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Hibuki therapy
"Hibuki" is a hug dog developed in Israel that helps children overcome strong psychological trauma. Hibuki has been used around the world for 15 years thanks to child psychologist Dr. Shai Heng-Gal, who invented a way to help Israeli toddlers cope with the pain, loss and destruction of the Second Lebanon War. How does Hibuki work? It is a plush dog with long paws and a sad expression on its face.
Translated from Hebrew, "hibuki" means "hugs". She has amazing healing properties: after a child hugs Hibuki, she feels that she can trust her. Hibuki becomes his friend - and gradually, instead of focusing on his worries, the kid begins to care about the dog.
We work individually and conduct resource groups for children and adults.
Art therapy
is currently the most affordable and effective means of stabilizing the psycho-emotional state, adapting children to new places and the educational process, and restoring emotional balance. The method of art therapy can be effectively used for both therapeutic and developmental purposes. In our work, we use
the methods and techniques of positive psychotherapy, apply various areas of art therapy for working with children and adults: drawing, collage, sculpting, sand therapy, fairy-tale therapy, music and dance-movement therapy, puppet therapy and drama therapy, work with masks and make-up , phototherapy, film therapy, MAK, etc.
For children 4-6 years old:
kinematic sand (calming effect, tactility), play form of therapy (play is the leading activity of children of this age category, it is through play that children learn about the world and learn to communicate with others. Also, during play, the psychologist has possibility to track psychological problems in the child), isotherapy (allows the child to express his emotions and experiences with the help of paints, pencils, crayons on paper), fairy-tale therapy (there are special therapeutic fairy tales that are used as corrective material. Knowing the child’s problems, it is possible to choose a fairy tale that will help a child work through his psychological problems at a subconscious level).
For children 7-10 years old:
fairy-tale therapy, isoterrary, work with MAK (the method works with the child's subconscious and provides an opportunity to work through their fears and worries carefully with the help of associations. Also, MAK can be used to return the resource state. This allows the child to return these feelings to oneself and to be in such a state).
For children and adolescents aged 11-15:
isotherapy, MAK, Gestalt approach (this is an opportunity to talk about your feelings, to let them come out in a safe environment. This approach teaches you to understand yourself and your feelings, which reduces anxiety, aggression and fear).
Clinical psychologist
Classes with a clinical psychologist include some physical and intellectual tasks aimed at compensating and correcting existing disorders. The duration of work with a psychologist depends primarily on the complexity of the problem and the age of the child, a comprehensive approach to therapy, and the participation of parents.

Do children feel that there is a war going on? Even at 2-3 years old?

Yes. Even if the parents do not talk about it, but try to separate the child from what is happening. Sometimes some parents try to answer the question "why the siren?" somehow not about the war, but the children do not believe. There was an example in our practice that a mother told her son that the radiation had increased, but he did not believe it and became even more depressed. It got even worse, there is nothing to rely on - the situation is unclear, and my mother is also lying. We must tell the truth. Taking into account the age of the child, explain at least about bad people who wish us harm.
Not everyone can attend your classes and receive Hibuki as a gift, give advice to parents who have small children, 3-5-7 years old, and they are afraid of war.

First of all, don't be silent, but speak up. Don't be afraid to show and tell your child that you have feelings and you're scared too. When the child understands that the mother is afraid, and it is necessary to hold hands together and go to the shelter, it becomes easier for both. And it is very good to have someone like our Hibuki, so that the child also has someone to take care of. And it is very important to distract. The child should be busy - draw, help with the household, do sports, whatever, so that there is less war in everyday life.

Children who are now 3-5 years old, will the war leave a mark on them?
Unfortunately, in everyone, regardless of age, the war will remain forever. This is confirmed by world experience. You have to learn to live with it. Everyone has trauma. The psychologist's task is to relieve the child of post-traumatic syndrome. Because it can stay forever and after 20 years, a person's heart will fail from any loud sound.
Have you had the opportunity to work with children who have experienced the worst?
Yes, we worked in Sergiyivka near Odesa, where there were three flights to a recreation center and a house, many victims. Children are difficult after that... We couldn't gather them in a group, everyone pulled the blanket over them - but here I am, listen to how it was for me. Some could not be separated from their grandmother. But gradually through drawing, sculpting, kindly we found contact. Children with trauma sculpt something damaged, injured, and together we slowly smooth it out, as if we are healing these figurines. To abstractly, metaphorically restore the integrity of consciousness and restore order to the soul.
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